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Thank You, Plymouth, for making the Cheese Capital of the World Arch and Trestle a reality! The celebration on May 29th, 2021 was a huge success. We want to acknowledge all who contributed:

Sarah Beckman

John & Linda Binder

Compeer Financial

Cow Country 1420AM & 98.5FM

Donn Davis

Jim & Cynthia Flanagan

Larry & Kathy Gentine


Zac Arbuckle

Cheese Counter & Dairy Heritage Center

Community TV 14

Jack Faville

Festival Foods

Karl & Carol Galstad

Lee Gentine

Donna Hahn

Haucke Plumbing & Heating

Janice Hovey

Jack & Marian Jarvis

Kettle Moraine Veterinary

David & Michelle Klecka


The Fig & The Pheasant


Hartman’s Bakery

The Hub Studio Cafe

Jackie Jarvis

Lemons of Love


Dianne Liebenthal

Nicci & Mike McEvoy

Lorena McKerrow & Jennie


John Nelson

Lauren and Bria Niewolny

Scott & Mary Peschke


Katie Nemitz

Member of the Class of ‘78

Over Easy Flipping

Scott & Julie Overby

PJ Campbell’s at the Depot

Ken Pannier

Plank Road Distillery

Plymouth Industries

Pleasant View Realty

Quit Qui Oc Golf & Restaurant

Steve & Laura Sartori

J/L Schmitz

Joel & Kristin Schneider

Mary Wieser



Plymouth Arts Center

Plymouth Chamber of Commerce

Plymouth Historical Society

Plymouth Inn

Plymouth Springs Fish Company

Angie Sartori

Randy Schwoerer

 Highlights from the Cheese Capital of the World Arch & Trestle Celebration held May 29th, 2021